
Our employees and partners are key to our long-term success as a business. Their rights, health and safety are of high priority for us. Nonetheless, ams OSRAM sees itself also as being part of society, which means that our responsibility extends beyond the confines of the Company.

Human Rights and Supply Chain Due Diligence Obligations

As a globally active company, respect for human rights plays a central role in our cooperation with business partners and suppliers as well as in the working conditions of our employees. We respect and support the human rights recognized by the international community and protect the environment wherever we operate. We actively face up to our responsibility by continuously integrating the universality of human rights into our guidelines, systems and processes.

Potential risks and violations of our principles regarding human rights, labor conditions, and environmental protection, both in our own business area and at our suppliers, can be reported via the “Tell ams OSRAM” whistleblower system.

Further information on our activities in the areas of human rights, the environment and supply chain due diligence can be found in our sustainability reporting on our website.​


More Information about Human Rights, Environmental Protection and Supply Chain Due Diligence

Health & Safety

ams OSRAM is committed to offering its employees a safe and healthy working environment. Minimizing the risk of occupational illnesses and accidents at work forms part of this. Within the EHS Policy we are committed to achieve high standards of environmental quality and to provide a safe and healthful workplace for our employees, contractors and communities.

The structure of the guideline is in line with the following internationally recognized management system standard:

ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management

We created the necessary organization for this industry standards and a comprehensive system for health and safety management.  


Corporate Citizenship

Wherever ams OSRAM is active, we want to assume responsibility for the world outside our business. We want to make a positive impact, and to be seen in a positive light. We therefore engage at local level across the globe in initiatives that foster sustainable development and a prosperous society.


Engaging with Partners & Stakeholder Dialogue

As a member of the UN Global Compact and the Responsible Business Alliance, we recognize their principles for sustainable business practices. We want to improve the sustainability of our activities by engaging in dialog with our stakeholders. We use the feedback obtained in the process of communication to continuously improve our strategy and measures. In doing so, we also help to spread the word about sustainable practices


Sustainable Development Goals

With sustainable solutions we address global challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity or urbanization and contribute to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

In 2015, the member states of the United Nations unanimously adopted Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, setting themselves 17 social, economic, and environmental goals designed to promote sustainable development. The SDGs provide companies with a common guideline how to support the goals and also provide potential for unlocking business opportunities. 

In terms of our portfolio ams OSRAM has a significant impact on SDG 3, 9, 11, 12 and 13



Human Rights and Supply Chain Due Diligence Obligations

Health & Safety

Engaging with Partners & Stakeholder Dialogue

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